n i really mean it. i'm home. at last. but dis tyme w/out beloved parents n emi wopeto. bored. when i looked back the previous week.......jus wondering when is da last tyme im really into bookssS..after da english gateaway,,i put myself into da debate thingy, for 2 weeks.....before dat the visit to welfare centre,,dis coming week road relay, n then the kursus pngurusan jnazah things..then da scrabble what so ever..then FINAL. ble sy bole btul2 tenang duduk studi ni....? Ya Allah, bntulah hamba Mu yg hina ini..
jus a lil bit of the debate, well straight to the point..FPSK's english group 4 debate, to be precise both group lost during the quarter final which totally unexpected. for more detail u cn read in mis zwen's blog. arabic group till semifinal which i cn say im really proud of them. congrats to naniim,emang,moja..go naniim go naniim,go naniim go naniim go naniim. haha. n debat BM won the piala TNC, n its really2 great! wo0 tgk mereka berdebat,berckp tnpe henti in 7 minutes, with all da humors made by bro din. im jus loving it! XD
two thumbs up for sis husna,bro hariz n bro hilmi @ mon 4 encouraging us to go to the conference, even picked us up at the LRT station. n acted during the workshop activities. u guys really sporting! huhu. n i make lotss of new frenss. n im jus dreaming of how great it will be studying in ukm as a medical students, mix up of all reces. cool man! hoh0.
oh~oh~ i gotta go. lots of thingsss to be done. to be read. to be remembered. to be understand.yet im sleepy. huuu~
slmt brjuang kwn2! ganbatte kudasai!
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