randomly jer post ni. sdy plak tgk blog brhabuk. better update cpt drpd ade yg trbtuk la. trbrsin la x psl2 kt cni. huhu.well, as time passes by, the routine goes da same, nothing changed a lot. jus tired n tired. surely everybody will be agree wif me. jus recently novel merata2,bku2 akademik pon brtmbh..bhn2 bacaan ad d mana2 sj..penangan BOOK FAIR laa word--> VERSUS is really really really superb! ramai yg agree dgn my opinion ni. even encik mustaqim pon cm brminat je bc. huuu~ syesly xrugi pon bc. bhn bacaan jugak kn even it is a novel.emm, benefits yg sy personally dpt dr bku ni :1. improved my english; vocabs especially.2. beri kesedaran dlm khidupan..there's always space for improvement. change for good is not a crime. my fav quotes recently. so do zT+adah+DD+neDD i bet.3. hari2 jgn lupe bc LOVELETTERS. dga org bc at u in ur life of course.4. lbh mengenali prbezaan laki n pompuan ni. XD5. believe dat we are not perfect, there'll be a turning point in our life.6. knowledge is everywhere. we hv to find it, bkn tggu ilmu dtg pd kte.7. family comes 1st!8. take dis seriously. dont ever judge a book by its cover.9. best ade abg cm KED! haha.10. kawin awal xslh kalo kene pd tempatnyer. weeee~back to 1st yr's mood now. in the lecture hall. everywhere act.everyone ke hulu ke hilir dgn mr ganong, mr guyton, encik sameh doss, mr marks. bc 2 lkg kire r..huhu. pnt xya ckp laaa. xckup tdo, trsngguk2 dlm be precise---> tasniim abdul halim sy tw sume being inspired by the good result of our beloved seniors; 3rd yr. thniah! BI presentation lg,,sume hadap lappy. gdluck kwn2. turn sy esok!mata sy da ngantok. fsio tmbun2, biokem da brhbuk, anat brgunung2..aiyo0~yg plg pnting tuto biokem sok br wt sket. sgt sket. huhu. off~ps>>we'll be together 4 another 5 yrs, but why i feel dat we are being far apart sjk akhir ni? T.T
salam.penat~n i really mean it. i'm home. at last. but dis tyme w/out beloved parents n emi wopeto. bored. when i looked back the previous week.......jus wondering when is da last tyme im really into bookssS..after da english gateaway,,i put myself into da debate thingy, for 2 weeks.....before dat the visit to welfare centre,,dis coming week road relay, n then the kursus pngurusan jnazah things..then da scrabble what so ever..then FINAL. ble sy bole btul2 tenang duduk studi ni....? Ya Allah, bntulah hamba Mu yg hina ini..jus a lil bit of the debate, well straight to the point..FPSK's english group 4 debate, to be precise both group lost during the quarter final which totally unexpected. for more detail u cn read in mis zwen's blog. arabic group till semifinal which i cn say im really proud of them. congrats to naniim,emang,moja..go naniim go naniim,go naniim go naniim go naniim. haha. n debat BM won the piala TNC, n its really2 great! wo0 tgk mereka berdebat,berckp tnpe henti in 7 minutes, with all da humors made by bro din. im jus loving it! XD
n from now onwards, the debate thingy was act a really great experience. thx to wani who is the one dragged me into the debate. and last sunday,,after the final debate in nilai..we(naniim,syira,teyn,radhiah,hawa n me) went to the post conference asean medical student association(AMSA) in hukm,cheras. we went there by lrt..n da best part, that was syira n teyn 1st tyme experiencing i cn say travelling by lrt. haha. funny. even syira said, jus think dat we're hving a girls day out together to the times square. huh? at times square got debate ke syira? hik3. senanyer syira nk sedap kan ati ktorg cz everybody except her, arrived at GV at 1 o'clock after the debate in nilai on saturday. so we were very very very tired.well, honestly speaking, best laa g conference tu kwn2. especially to boys yg mls nk g tu. rugi je tw!
two thumbs up for sis husna,bro hariz n bro hilmi @ mon 4 encouraging us to go to the conference, even picked us up at the LRT station. n acted during the workshop activities. u guys really sporting! huhu. n i make lotss of new frenss. n im jus dreaming of how great it will be studying in ukm as a medical students, mix up of all reces. cool man! hoh0.oh~oh~ i gotta go. lots of thingsss to be done. to be read. to be remembered. to be understand.yet im sleepy. huuu~slmt brjuang kwn2! ganbatte kudasai!
1) bidan terjun
sy pernah menyertai debat bi..d skola menengah..itu pon bidan terjun. menjunam ak trjun! 2) debate is all bout luck, n luck is a skill. awk dpt tjuk brkaitan law d dunia ini, dpt pulak pihak lwn ialah dk law. dan awk adlh opposition, mereka government, ketahuilah awk bakal mengalami bad luck pd hari trsebut.
3) hakikat ; reality
dh lama sy xmenghadap buku. sungguh. sy pasti dan amat2 pasti. bgitu brgunung2 ilmu2 yg perlu sy cover slps ini..sedikit2 lama2 jd bukit. bkn bukit, brgunung2 fsio+anat+bi. blom lg assigment bi yg sudh semestinya last minit....
4) susah kalo kte pegang harapan org kn.. sy rs beban ble pgang harapan org,,harapan kwn2,senior2 m fakulti utk kami menang dlm debat kali ini...harapan mama n abah....cmne plak?
5) roadrelay tgguh la pulak... roadrelay brtgguh,mksudnya hati sy xtenang tuk bkak buku, btul2 fokus...btul2 absorb..npe tgguh? dh 5 org tarik 6) adikku tercinta
setiap kali bik ke rumah, soalan wjib menghujani dri ini....'cne kak iman studi tyme spm dlu... aimi risau laaa....'. one thing je,len org len rzki n jln dy idup dy...iA, kami doakn aimi sukses!
7) risau. sy risau final exam. sgt2 risau. risau sgt....tertekan....
8) jeles. sy jeles melihat mereka bw bku ganong. guyton. marks. mereka bole cerita kpd org laen tntg apa yg d bc? sy? blur dlm kls? abes je kls.....DEBAT. pnt~
9) pulang. sy mahu pulang..bak kata syira, ujung mggu kter prlu pulang ke rumah utk caj tenaga kter yg brkurang selama smggu memerah otak, utk hadapi mggu2 seterusnya....
10) konklusi
sy amat2 dan sgt tertekan.