pning2. npe xde idea nh..serabut gila. emm,,
pning2. npe xde idea nh..serabut gila. emm,,
lately blogging is currently one of the big issue here in FPSK ( act ktaorg dk2 1st yr jer k0t..hu3.) and i can say that everytime one of us bkak jer blog any0ne, they would prefer open up *tett*'s blog. hu3. korang msti phm nyer kn, jgn wt2 xphm k..huuu~ and h** blog is like giving different type of reactions among us. haha.
gu@me : hoh?? sengal...
dila@ pingu : kter xknl pon sape dy nh larr...syes..
syerette : ksian nyer **,,xpsl2 gmbr dy msuk..
zT : weh, bkak blog dy weh...tgk post br dy..< lby krg r nh>
Zue : sape2??
paien : hahaha
s0fwa : dasat gler~~kah3....
did0t : g****!
syesly a big imapct n issue! haha.
gu@me : hoh?? sengal...
dila@ pingu : kter xknl pon sape dy nh larr...syes..
syerette : ksian nyer **,,xpsl2 gmbr dy msuk..
zT : weh, bkak blog dy weh...tgk post br dy..< lby krg r nh>
Zue : sape2??
paien : hahaha
s0fwa : dasat gler~~kah3....
did0t : g****!
syesly a big imapct n issue! haha.
emm,,yesterday i had a sh0rt SMSing wif hanan, n she say dat she is missing me <> plus she's missing *** n i was kind HOHOHO...msj jer la dy nan, ntah2 dy p0n miss awk juga..hehe
n after short while, nama BOT pon trkeluar juga. kami rindu kamu BOT sgt2..bler nk update ur aktvt d sana??
rsnyer xpuas jumpe last time mlm 2..we will n alwess missing u BOT. surely waiting 4 DR NUR ADIBAH BT ABU BAKAR to c0me back. syesly..

akhir2 ni sume da stat studi grup blik,,ader yg smpy avery ptg kot. hoh0.
bak kate ishaQ,,give a good impressi0ns to the lecturers on our becoming final exam..huuu~
bgus2 semangat..the same goes to me.. *winking again* btol ke gu nih, keje studi jek.
nanotte : sore sape tuh? gu ke,,ingtkn makhluk asing mane..haha. br kol 8 nh, kls stat kol 12, wtpe kt cni??
gu : mgkok nyer nanotte..ader studi grup ler. hhuuu~
honestly laa, xde studi grup, xstudi ler gamaknyer diri ini. hu3.
thx 2 s0fwa, djat, ihsan, mus n chan < wlupon slalu d buli dlm studi grup nh..he3.>
ade skali tuh time studi grup, xingat lak bler, smlm kot..ihsan tga ckp psl pluera,,tp tbe2 pkiran ni menerawang ke tmpt laen,,huhu~s0ri r ihsan. pastu bler da kmbali ke dunia yg nyata,,cm blur giler dga ihsan ckp. i was kind like..ha????
dlm ati : vein what? brachio....what?? posterior n blablablabla??? pe tuh?? mknn ke??
act tga lpr senanyer..hahaha. sengal unta btol r gu.kih3.
pe daa~~
then br rs blr da dpt pe yg sdg d terangkn time tuh,,wahhh~ bahagie hidup nih^^
lately self-studi is not effective. i was like having a very 'bz' life wif dis n dat which are important, yet not really. kind of a really messy life here in the U, so as averyone to0 mybe . i cn say dat,,arrghhh!! pning2..
final exam is jus around da corner, report must send nxtweek, everyday got lectures, studi grup must hv or else buku xbkk lgsung laa..wif da titas presentation. plus JPA xmsuk2 ag..sengal btol. tdo pon xbtol,,siang mlm da xbtol, pkul brape pon bantai jer tdo..bgn2 2 o'clock,da nxt day 4 o'clock..till one day, solat isya' ke mana,,YA ALLAH,,then only you know the bzness hving a medicine as ur course.
the day SMSing wif leng who is hving da same course as me in UM, she's just like me..she said dat.
leng : pdn muke kter, dulu tgk org amek medic nk jugak gatal2 amek medic. know br tw.
gu : abeh tu??? trime jelaaa. huhu
leng : quit jom!
gu : gila??? melayang pinggan mgkuk kt umah tu. huu~
leng : btol gk. xpsl2 senget pale aku. haha.
its a life-time course. face it laa for da next 6 years. HE will alwes with u if u r alwes pray to HIM insya-Allah!
after all, life must go on,,not to mention hv a great life balanced both duniawi n ukhrawi.
ganbatte to everybody!
4 comments: it's a real fact that doctors got no life mey...NO DOUBT!!!
ngeh~ missh deebot too..x penah on9 plak since die fly nih..ngeh~ again...doctors got no life!!!
(we..TESLian...kinda bz too..tapi bole buat bodo ngn Bz tuh! yeah!...tapi kang tanggung la akibat!
nex time u just record how 'kecoh' the lecture hall is when Q**** posted something on h** blog.haha
haha..kind of no life gk r d0c nh.hu3
tp nk ubah bnde tu gk!
zT: haha. jgn..kter wt kang..haha
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