currently br pulang dr tganu. mood>> happy. i've fall in love wif klntn n tganu 4 dis hols..:) dun be jeles my frens esp 4 not dear cz xdpt ik0t..haha we stayed for 3 days 2 nights at Permai Inn, Kuala Terengganu..oh! i met he-who-I-cant-mentioned-his-name 's father..huuu~~~ I kept tried to avoid him when I 1st met him at da airpot..lari jauh2. if not, everything will spilled out from my mom's mouth.huh. da trip to tganu was act unplanned. at all. its juz started when my lovely dovey mama was bz wif her presentation thingy about SSSL ( safe surgery saves lives) 4 about 2 weeks be4 we went to tganu..the video n all da slides dat should be presented by her during the seminar were prepared by me @ gu. :) the thing is, she ( my mom ) is not really good in IT, so do I. she even don't know how to record a video about the SSSL using the camera. ( its not a big deal right ). so, i've to follow her to the hospital to help her record all the vidoes for about 3 days, n the videos must be recorded in the OT ( operation theatre )..n for me being in the OT..huh. great experience. really. i had an experience to sit there in the OT, watching an operation being held, word. awesome..luckily i didn't faint there n there bcoz i do hv 'mabuk darah'. :DD [ sory but i can't show 2 u da live operation dat i've recorded. my mom said its private n confidential] da real plan is, my father should follow her to tganu..but my father's skill in all da computer thingy is worse than my mom. no offense. so, he said dat he cannot help at, here I am in tganu for 3days..yippie!! to make the flight ticket which is rm700++ worth,,I decided to call tirah,radhiah n 2nd day there, early in the morning, radiey; our driver drove us to the Masjid Krystal..beautiful. snap here n there..we walked along the jetty...luckily the weather is good. n da mood is good stop>> Muzium Negeri..luasnyer.....for me, muzium=history. i jus hate history.haha. da 1st thing we do when we entered da muzium is we stood front or below da aircond,,he3..becoz the temperature outside is very very hot. tgahari. well. u know. da same thing happened. snap3x! weeee~~ then..we went to the Pasar Payang. juz bought few tudung cost rm10 each, which cost rm25 in KL. must buy! huu~ batik? i'm lacked of knwledge bout which batik is good in quality wif a good, I decided to went there again wif my mom. she's really really good in batik's shopping... next??? mr black yakuza house! dis is my 1st tyme i went to a guy house without my parents. n according to emang, dat was his 1st tyme to0..a grup of girlss came to his house. huhu. we had a long chat wif his mom. n all of them ( emang, his mom, tirah, radiey n diba), they talked happily ever after..n for me. sy xphm ape p0n. the tganu's accent is juz like the klantanese I sat there,,smiled when I understand one or two word. they even laughed at me when I'm blurred. siap la korang. hu3 dat evening, after mom n I went to the Desa Murni to shop 4 batik as recommended by emang's mother n my mom's fren...2 hours there. huh! borong~~ we spent for rm****! my mom said once in 5yrs shopping in tganu..well, her money...what cn I say..then,we went to Masjid Krystal again. she's begging me to accompany her there as i've juz been there dat morning..took some pics..then we went straight to the hotel.. da nxt morning,,we went out a bit late, at 11 in da morning, radiey n tirah fetched us at the hotel..1st destination> Pantai Batu Buruk..subhanallah.cntek nyer..we spent about 2o minutes there n we went straight to Pasir Payang..again shopping 4 batik..last minute. last minute. next>> dibah's house n radiey's house. thx a lot to both of them..we had lunch at radiey's house..after bout 30 minutes drive, we reached the hotel at 230 pm..unfortunately, we've promised wif da taxi's driver tp pick us up at the hotel at 2.45 pm to send us to the, I used sumbating mehod to pack all things..huuu~ success! time arrived in KL>>510 pm.. two thumbs up 4 radhiah razali,tirah sabri, dibah md ali n mr black yakuza!! :DD
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biarlah rahsia..da bkk sem br nti sume org akn tahu jugk btapa truk nyer rslt sy. sgt. ape2pon alhmdulillah sbb lulus. mood> sedih ..sume org menyibukkan dri sndri tgk rslt msing2 ms mlm 1st sy kt tganu. so sy decide tuk tidak tgk rslt lg..nti mood cuti2 msia d tganu spoil..even xtgk rslt lg, mlm 2 sy nanges. truk. nk wt sdy+tkut..rslt sy cnfrm2 truk. n tepat tekaan sy..mlm smlm cek rslt tyme br je smpi umah dr tganu..air mata ni murah je mlm 2..seb bek kkk sy d hostel. xdelaaa sgan nanges cm org gle sorang2.. sy bkn nyer xbese dpt rslt truk2 ni..sjk skola dlu..exm bio fail. kene rotan siap..malu. sdy. tp sakit dy xdelaaa cmni..spm dlu target cnfrm la staights A..rsnyer sume org xdpt capai target 2 pon. nanges dpn mk sy sbb sakit dy xcm skg..sjk2 sy msuk medical skul ni..kalo rslt truk, sjk mdsem 1 lg...msti rs cm amat sgt xtw mane rs sy sgt cintakn anat..xde mslh pon. x gaduh sy btul amat xpuas ati dgn rslt anat sy..amat sgt sgt x puas ati..ble pkr2 blik,mgkn msih ade yg x kene cara sy blaja anat...sdy laaaaaa.....T___________T mgkn hbungan sy dgn Dia xjg hbungn dgn mama n abah..fmily.lecturers..kwn2..byk yg prlu d prbaiki..keberkatan ilmu 2 pnting.. fsio? nthlaa...bak kata zT,,kene more in love dgn fsio mmg xplik rslt fsio sy truk..cmne nk baiki fsio ni..?kene cri ubat dy..biokem? no comment..after all, alhmdullillah 'ala kulli hal.. td sy drop by kt blog bot,,smngt sket sy bc blog dy even da tears still there...thx bot 4 da quote.xsbr tggu awk blik..mcm2 sy nk cerita!!
buat teman seperjuangan,
kegagalan yg kamu tempuhi sekarang,
bukan titik noktah utk selama2 nya,
bukan Allah tidak mendengar rintihanmu,
bukan Allah tidak lihat usahamu,
tapi ini adalah ujian utk kamu,
ujian bg org2 yg lebih kuat,
kami belum terdaya utk di uji seperti kalian,
teruskan berusaha!!
all the best !
kegagalan yg kamu tempuhi sekarang,
bukan titik noktah utk selama2 nya,
bukan Allah tidak mendengar rintihanmu,
bukan Allah tidak lihat usahamu,
tapi ini adalah ujian utk kamu,
ujian bg org2 yg lebih kuat,
kami belum terdaya utk di uji seperti kalian,
teruskan berusaha!!
all the best !
"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menganggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (mereka berdoa dengan berkata): " wahai Tuhan kami! janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami bersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami! janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-yang yang bterdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya menikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum kafir" al-baqarah-ayat 286-
ya Allah..kalau ini ujian dr-Mu, ak terima dgn redha..hanya kpd Mu ak memohon pertolongan.Amin.
ps>>kpd teman2 yg brjye dgn rslt bgs.thniah..jgn lupa tlg kami yg gagal..kpd yg senasib dgn sy, sama2lah kte baiki dri d sem yg akn dtg....