jom story cket cuti2 japan for about a week there.. emm,,even dis is my 2nd tyme being in japan, rs teruja is still there..huuu~ 1st tyme was on december 2005 afte pmr..dat tyme g 1 family, but dis tyme kami bertiga! well, frankly speaking byk beza nya g dgn family jer n g dgn trip under travel agent..dlu landed kt narita airport, but dis tyme landed kt kansai airport. dlu tyme landed temperature about -5'c, tp kt kansai ari tu cuaca ok laaa, bout 20'c...byk laaa kalo nk compare dlu tyme 2005 n skg 2010. g pon tyme season yg brbeza. so of course laaa brbeza ann...dlu g kalo ckp dgn org jpun cm aym dgn itik ckp, tp ble g dgn travel agent, at least tour guide 2 pndi ckp jpun, bole kate kalo nk gado dgn org2 jpun 2 p0n bole lega r agk sdy r xg 1 family, xrs sronok sgt..advantage dy lak kte knl other ppl from different2 gk! hu3
trip ari tu 25 org,,yg best nyer, mcm2 org ade. haha. pr0f, datuk, d0c, housemen, bkl doc(sy)..haha. si comel muhammad pon ader. best laa..cume smpi skg xsgka 1 of us is a datuk. huhu. xcm datuk pon ble chitchat dgn dy..huu~ dis is datuk as a 'datuk' ye..jgn slh fhm dgn datuk yg ade cucu 2 ye..huuu~
byk tmpt g...1st place g ms smpi tu g USJ>>universal studio japan. more or less tmpt ni ade bckground of film or to be precise cm certain2 scene dlm film yg dlakonkn d cni. pyh gler nk describe. hu3. for exmple--> terminator, jurassic park, cte2 disney n all da carto0n thingy, spiderman, shrek n what not. mmg pnt r..2 p0n xg sume tmpt dlm 4hours spent kt mmg rmi r..then ptg2 after check in, g dinner kt dis one kdai, owner dy malaysian..oklaaa, ade teh tarik an. tp teh tarik dy kalo convert duet msia about rm12++..huu~ gler btol jpun ni.. then dat nite shopping kt shin-sai-bashi-suji. cume nyer xde mood sgt nk shoping cz pnt dok dlm flight lby krg 7hours+jenjln kt USJ 2 xabeh ag...........
nxt nxt>>tokyo disneyland! sronok! huuu~ kali ke2 g p0n sronok xtrhingga,,dlu g wktu mlm dan sgt sjuk..tyme ni g pg+pns terik. so suasana yg brlainan. parade dy pon cntek2~~ bygkn dr kol 10 pg till 5 ptg pon xabes round 1 disneyland 2..blom ag pgi tokyo disney sea dy. kene g 2 hari kot br puas. huuu~ pnt? sgt! sronok? sgt! puas ati? ye! wuhhhuuuu~~~ nite before blik tu ktorg hv BBQ..seafood of couse ne ade aym yg halal po. huhu. tp best! memory is being kept forever n ever!!~
esoknyer kami pulang ke tnh air..departure from narita airport.. kt airport tu tga sbuk2 dgn pasport, immigration laaa,,dgn check in sume..suddenly i saw sumbody smiling at me dr knl je...haaaa? it HABIL!!!! omg! im dead! haha. trkjut gle jumpa dk usim kt jpun, cousemate lak tuuu..huuuu~ segan gler..seb nk blik dh. hu3. tgur dy,mk dy n his sis..rupenyer dy visit his sis study kt tokyo. no wonder laaaa....XD.
end of story~~
ps: more pics i'll upload them in my FB.