Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Oath of Muslim Physician

Came across this as I'm browsing the internet for Discussion on Islamic Perspectives for my Case Write Up.

The Oath of Muslim Physician

Praise be to Allah (God), the Teacher, the Unique, Majesty of the heavens, the Exalted, the Glorious, Glory be to Him, the Eternal Being Who created the Universe and all the creatures within, and the only Being Who contained the infinity and the eternity. We serve no other god besides Thee and regard idolatry as an abominable injustice.

Give us the strength to be truthful, honest, modest, merciful and objective.
Give us the fortitude to admit our mistakes, to amend our ways and to forgive the wrongs of others.
Give us the wisdom to comfort and counsel all towards peace and harmony.
Give us the understanding that ours is a profession sacred that deals with your most precious gifts of life and intellect.
Therefore, make us worthy of this favored station with honor, dignity and piety so that we may devote our lives in serving mankind, poor or rich, literate or illiterate, Muslim or non-Muslim, black or white with patience and tolerance with virtue and reverence, with knowledge and vigilance, with Thy love in our hearts and compassion for Thy servants, Thy most precious creation.
Hereby we take this oath in Thy name, the Creator of all the Heavens and the earth and follow Thy counsel as Thou has revealed to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Few days left before the mid-semester break starts and then we have our end-posting examination. Ya Allah Ya Rabb, permudahkanlah urusan kami di dunia dan di akhirat. 


Friday, August 3, 2012

resipi:agar-agar IMAN ^^


tetiba nak update blog pasal resipi agar-agar. simple tapi tak semua orang bole wat jadi sangat sedap.
sebenarnye untuk adik dd dan kakak tasniim resipi nii. huuu laa juadah berbuka untuk saya pada hari ini. selamat mencuba!


1.kelapa parut separuh biji
2.1/2 gula melaka
3.1 paket agar-agar(guna 1/2 sahaja)
4.2 helai daun pandan
5.gula pasir


1.1/2 gula melaka+1 cawan air+3 sudu gula pasir+2 helai daun pandan (cuci dahulu).campurkan semua dalam periuk dan letakkan diatas api.
2.api sederhana besar,kacau sehingga gula melaka tadi cair.
3.setelah gula melaka tadicair dan sebati,tutup api.
4.masukkan separuh paket agar-agar+3/4 cawan air ke dalam periuk lain,letakkan diatas api.guna api kecil.
5.setelah 2 minit,masukkan gula melaka yang telah cair tadi.
6.sementara itu,perah santan dari kelapa 1/2 biji sebanyak dua kali.
7.masukkan perahan santan yang kedua (santan cair) ke dalam periuk berisi agar-agar.kacau sehingga mendidih,pastikan agar-agar telah sebati.masukkan secubit garam
8.setelah mendidih,masukkan perahan santan pertama(santan pekat) ke dalam periuk.kacau sehingga medidih.
9.setelah mendidih,tutup api,kemudian boleh masukkan terus ke dalam loyang.*dinasihatkan untuk menggunakan penapis semasa menuang agar-agar tadi ke dalam loyang agar keladak gula melaka(jika ada) dapat ditapis

*cara-cara ini cukup untuk satu loyang,kalau nak buat dua loyang,semua bahan2 gandakan dua.
**kalau nak lebih cair,masukkan lebih banyak air,agar-agar pon akan jadi sedikit lembut.
***nak lebih manis,masukkan lebih banyak gula pasir.
****nak lagi sedap? dimulakan dengan bismillah,dibuatdengan rasa ikhlas,disertakan dengan senyuman..dan berselawat. :)

-ni resipi mama saya,jadi tiada salah atau betul,mungkin resipi anda berlainan.oke.
-tasniim,try ni dulu,nanti saya update resipi lain kalau ada.haha kongsi laa resii awak jugak!huu

Saturday, July 14, 2012

updating blog after 4 months.

assalamualaikum wbt

been a while since the last tyme I wrote and membebel here. the last entry was on march 18..four months..phewwwww berkotak2 tisu habes kalau org yg allergic habuk lalu kt blog ni..*stretch here n there,lama kot tak perah otak n menaip pnjg lebar* well,so many things happened within this 4 months.the 2nd batch of usim's medical school pon da selamat grad..afiq pon dah nikah..irma hasmie pon da selamat nikah dgn inchee redza hensem *tetbe haha* kalau nak ckp pasal cik noor aiman ni..the 2nd pro exam settel!  my result was not dat good compare to hawa (fyi,hawa is the best student) *spe suro compare dgn hawa bijak*..but still bole laa nk pass usim punye medical skul.orait laaa tu.result tu ponn setimpal dgn usaha,nak ikotkan usaha last minit mmg seciput jela...brjaya lulus pon saya yakin doa mama,abah n kawan2 sekeliling.seriusly! alhamdulillah..:)

the thing is,someone asked..why u really like buat countdown to ur exam..mcm da nk final exam n trus grad..padahal baru year3..?oke mehh makcek gugu nak ceghite skit..1st,u try laa masuk mana2 medical skul..kalau smpai tahap kronik,even final sem1 pon awak akan buat countdown..TAK TIPU! for da past 2nd pro exam,sy even wt countdown kt fon sndri,tak ke tertekan tiap2 ms tgk..blom kire kt desktop lecture hall..pon countdown jugak,stiap kali lecture terpampang dpan mata..tensi takyah ckp laaa,tp it's a good reminder,kalau x mmg tak sedar diri nk exam. kan kwn2..oke then why 2nd pro?1st ble?ade smpi 6th pro ke? erkkk oke itu drama laaa..the 1st pro exam during end year 2,2nd pro end year 3 and the final pro exam during the final year which is during the 6th yr.clear? oke then why pro exam?professional exam?gaya cm poyo..poyo?tanyelaa datuk nik..spe ckp poyo tu cnfrm kene ketuk kepala haha nk dipendekkan cite,segala pro exam ni,kalau tak lepas tak bole naik tahun..kire kalau final pro tak lepas tu tak bole grad..camtulaaa..oke then detail exam system kt medical skul usim nii..bole inbox sy laa ye,pnjg kot nk cite! haha

oh lupe nk bgtaw,sy da habes preclinical year!!! hooreeee! lpas ni clinical year;new era of my life bak kata datuk nik..gembira+takut+cuak+taksabar! selama 3tahun preclinical year ni,year 3 plg byk kenangan n sy ingt semua benda yg trjadi ms year 3 nii..kalau nk ingat balik all memories ms year 1 esp,mmg satu pon takde dlm otak,,sbb tyme tu kan baru brhijrah dr tamhidi sctech..jd masih sesi suai kenal dgn budak2 coursemate.mmg masih dlm dunia sendiri.memang x ingat apa2,cuma ingat spe duduk kt kanan n kiri tyme lecture,tu jek..*teruknye!* kalau takde pertukaran,insyaAllah stat dengan posting medicine kt Hosp Ampang,doakan sy ye!

ni tga holiday,tak sabar nk puasa sebulan kat rumah,less than a week je lg nk ramadhan dah...n act,skarang ni classmates sume tga brcuti sakan kat aussie,so knapa sy tak pegi pdhal dr dulu sy plg semangat nk pegi international trip ni..emmmm,biarlah sy dan Dia je taw..sbb ade sesetengah bnda lebih baik kita simpan sndri dan org lain tak taw kn? :)

td cm tetbe came across kat dlm kepala ni,act dah lama terpikir dah...cuma td cam lama mengelamun pikir sbb sorang2 kt rumah..afte dis,sy msuk klinikal yr,kjap kt ampang,kjp kt temerloh,HKL,HUKM..smpai la sy grad..big sista dlm few weeks lg dy grad,pastu keje ntah smpi ke mana,sabah sarawak kte tak taw..encik adik bln 9 masuk degree iA,engine,,cnfrm lg sibuk compare tyme dy asasi..cnfrm lg ssh nk jumpe,td jumpe pon afte a month pdhal kampus sy dgn dgn kampus dy setengah jam da sampai..see?terpkir x ape yg sy pkir?ke sy sorang je pkir lebih2?ntah..tak pasti apa sy pkir..pastu kalau tetbe cik kakak tu kawen?camne?*ape yg camne?sy mmg tak sabar nk dpt abg ipar* kannn..?serabut gle pkir dr tgahari td..ish ish ish pastu hadiah apa nk bg kt cik kakak dy nk grad ni?ke takpayah hadiah,doa pon da sgt sgt truk haha

dan...cousin sy puan ina yati yg sebaya dgn sy da dpt anak,nama dia AIMAN..mencabar iman kan.dh laa dy sebaya,dah kawen,dah dpt anak,nama aiman lak tu..naseb anak dye laki,,sbr jelaa sy huhu so,cik aiman gugu bile turn awak? 'turn ape?' yelaaaa,awak bile nk kawen? 'sy?npe?awak ade anak kucing yg msih bujang?' haha sape suro tnye,kan dh kene..serabut sebenarnye pikir jawapan utk soklan camtu,sbb mmg takde dlm skema jawapan..cari kat mana2 pon x jumpe jawapan dye..dan sy ni teruk cikit,taste sgt truk..mmg truk jugak kene bahan dgn kwn2 psl taste sy,,sbb sy lebih prefer arrange marriage compare dgn plihan sndri,,sy lebih prefer 'bad boy' compare to 'gentleman"..dan sy lebih suka tgk laki yg serabut br blik keje dgn tie ntah ke mana,drive dgn muka penat,lengan bj terlipat2 compare dgn pg2 pkul 7,laki yg smart dgn tie,kot,bau wangi..sbb tu sy lebih suka tgk laki letih muka serabut baru balik bersukan ke ape compare to sentiasa duduk dlm aircond,wangi sentiasa..bosan je. *oke enough gugu,jg pndangan hak*

oke jap nak share dgn awak gambar2 sepnjg year 3! :):)

1st presentation microbe

tyme jamuan raya

masa orientasi year 1

sambut besday Sir Arho

tyme malas studi grup haha

masa bukak gerai untuk kumpul duet....

jg gerai ms 1st batch convo

blaja scrubbing :)

bulatan gembira! smoga next bulatan gembira cukup 30 orang!

masa OPKIM kt terengganu

konvensyen bidadari dunia

Uni Malaya

besday ustaz nazri

wedding ani&mael <3

makan ramai2 before exam

the last tyme distribute dim sum..rindu dim sum!



white coat ceremony :)

>>counting down to ramadhan~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

5th generation with 5th yr of FPSK


doctor USIM, engine start-oh


it’s a doctor2x oh no doctor, no5x

It’s a doctor2x oh yes doctor ooooo

oh my Gucci! It’s a doctor!

Hey what’s wrong? It’s just a doctor

They are humans too

They strive hard to be good doctors

G-O-O-D good doctors

So, ladies n gentlemen

We, the gorgeous n cute ladies of 5th generation would like to present a choral speaking entitled “a doctor’s life”

Cop2x greetings, greetings my dear

Oops! Assalamualaikum n good afternoon

Say hello!


Coffee, notes n everything nice

These are the ingredients chosen to create the perfect doctors

But professor nik accidentally added in an extra ingredient into the concoction

Quranic verses

nuh-uh, so not an accident

Thus, the powerful doctors were born

Using their ultra super power,

5th generation FPSK

Has dedicated their lives to fighting ailments and patients’ complaints

Do you remember your school days?


Your teacher once asked you

What do you want to be when you grow up

When I grow up

I want to be a doctor

I want to be a model!

err, I want to be the one who get to pull babies from d mother’s womb!

That’s O&G, didi!

And then, came SPM

Where all you can think of is getting straight A’s

Just to get into a medical school

aah, those SPM days

Then the excitement receiving offer letter

a medical student at last!

However, joy goes….

boom shakalaka boom shakalaka

the lectures,seminars,tutorials and quizzes!

Oh my goodness

Oh my soul

I’m gonna die

USIM berjanji pd ibunda

Berjasa berbudi utk semua

Siswanya adalah tunggak Negara

Kan terus membela maruah kita

am I gonna miss that song

please… not

The beginning of an end

Life as a doctor

a REAL doctor

Yes, REAL doctors

Its kind of funny, how life can change

A never ending search knowledge

Sometimes life works in mysterious ways

Where life of your patients is in your hands

I refused to give up

We refused to give up

Oooo yeah

wait! We’re forgetting something!

The things we need at all time!


pen torch

tendon hammer



ARENA komik!

Wan Hawa! Shhh…



What she meant was Oxford medical handbook!

A doctor’s daily routine starts with

Ward rounds early in d morning

mak cik2x, mak cik rasa sihat sikit tak hari ni?

Standing for long hours in the operation room

that’s taboo for me! I got DVT because of this!

and meeting all kinds of patients

dr, handsome la dr ni. Nak number!

Eeee, yakkeboodiii

Stress! Scolded again n again n again…

Scolded for not taking blood properly

Scolded for not being able to answer questions

Scolded for waking up late

The list goes on and on

Tapi, marah kan tandanya sayang..

haish, I thought life would be easier after graduation

Relaxla, patience is virtue

The career has its ups and downs

Sometimes u got thanked for saving people’s lives

And sometimes…


The guilt when a patient dies

But life needs to move on…

There are lots of beliefs, I tell u

But those are not true oh what to do

oh man!

Most people think that doctors are rich, tall dark and handsome

Vroom, vroom

driving Porsche!

And some even says that doctors have no life!

When I’m watching movies with my friends

Blood gushing stories are on

oh no! there’s too much blood! I can’t look!

You’re afraid of blood?

And you call yourself a medical student?

When I’m with my mom,

dinner’s ready!

aah! Veggies again. But I don’t wanna eat veggies

You don’t eat veggies?

And you call yourself a medical student?

When I’m with my colleagues

>oh no! it’s 9pm but I’m already sleepy. I’m gonna have a nap

Hey, you call yourself a medical student? Study!

When I’m with the society

>cough , Oh, I don’t feel so well, sneeze

doctor? Are you sick? we thought doctors never get sick

Never ever forget that

Doctors are also human beings

We make mistakes too

What’s so special about us?

We are muslim doctors


Treating patients is a part of ibadah

And to spread the beauty of Islam

Dimulakan dengan bismillah

Disudahi dengan Alhamdulillah

Begitulah bila kita merawat pesakit

Mudah-mudahan dirahmati Allah

Hectic life


busy schedule

Do we have time for romance?

Ahh,there’s no time to cook!

would a guy want us?

Don’t worry, innallahama’ana

*scene propose

I do

U make me wanna say I do I do I do do do do do do do

So what’s next?

A year of tamhidi


6 years of medical school




2 yrs of housemanship


Get married and have kids

check. Oops

Then lets become specialists

More books




Meeting more patients


N more ward rounds



What’s the best thing becoming a specialist

it’s all about the money money money, we juz want your money money money



No, that’s not it

It give us more knowledge to help people because of Allah3x.


You are so gorgeous and beautiful


Prepare yourselves for challenges


There is a whole lot of weight on you


Pray to Allah to give us strength


Tet tet tet tet tet tet

Call me beep me, if u wanna reach me

call me, okay

as we go on, we remember

all the times we had together

and as our life change

came whatever

we will still be friends forever

alhamdulillah dpt mengekekalkan kejuaraan..thx to those yg doakan utk kami :)
jumpe lg nxt